Wednesday, 24 December 2008

Christmas Shelter Appeal

By Hannah Seaman

A homeless shelter in Barnsley is appealing for volunteers this Christmas so that they can open for longer hours over the festive period.

The shelter is organised by the voluntary group Barnsley Homelessness and has run for the past three years. It is hosted by the YMCA and provides food, bedding, clothing, showers and a warm, safe place for around 30 people to sleep.

This year the group want to open the shelter for longer hours, especially on Christmas day. It needs about 40 volunteers to help with the preparation of meals and the general running of the shelter.

David Brannan, 57, Barnsley Homelessness organiser and volunteer said: “I have helped at the shelter for the past two years and it is a really brilliant way to help those that are less fortunate. It gives a tremendous sense of having done something special over Christmas which is refreshing when we constantly face a commercial overkill.”

It will offer bed, breakfast and an evening meal from 5pm on the 24th December. It will continue on the 25th and 26th between 5pm and 10am. It will close at 10am on the 27th.

Barnsley Homelessness also wants to set up a more permanent shelter in Barnsley that is open all year round.

Mr Brannan said: “Other towns have these facilities but they do not exist in Barnsley. If the homeless in Barnsley want shelter many may have to travel to Sheffield or Doncaster. A shelter should be all year and not just for Christmas.

“With the economic down turn it is even more important that there are facilities for the homeless. It is entirely possible we will see the number of homeless increase with many people losing their homes over the next year.”

Volunteers need to be aged 18 or over and willing to offer a minimum of two hours between 4pm and 11am on the dates above.

They should be free to attend a briefing about inductions, roles and health and safety on either Saturday 6th December at 4pm or Tuesday 9th of December at 7pm at the YMCA Barnsley.

For further information email, or call the YMCA 01126 213123.

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